Adorable Gifts

How to order?

  1. Select the products you wish to purchase via the search or browse products options
  2. Click on the "Buy Now" button to add selected product to shopping cart
  3. To remove items, click on the cart icon Cart, a panel will pop up listing existing cart items, click on the X icon next to item you wish to remove
  4. To adjust quantity, click on the cart icon Cart, a panel will pop up listing existing cart items, click on the "View Cart" button, make adjustment to the quantity and click the "Update Cart" button to save changes.
  5. Once all products have been added to your shopping cart click the "Checkout" button (The Checkout button can be located by clicking the cart icon Cart)
  6. If you are already a registered customer simply enter your email and password, otherwise click on "Signup"
  7. New users must register and fill in all fields before continuing with purchase
  8. Enter credit card details or payment options and confirm delivery address
  9. You have now successfully made your purchase and you will receive an email confirmation. Another email confirmation will be sent once your goods have been dispatched.
Product successfully added to your shopping cart